Couples counseling for when the dynamics in a relationship change and there needs to be a refocus towards a common goal to bring both people together. Through awareness of each persons feelings, healthy communication will help put the relationship back on track. When partners struggle to find effective communication patterns, it can be critical to learn where the challenges are to address them head on. Then the relationship can flourish when both partners feel more satisfied and valued. Couples counseling can be effective during many aspects of a relationship. Whether this relationship has just begun or has been around for years, counseling can be a great tool to build a strong foundation.
Collaborative, supportive, and engaging counseling for individuals, couples, and families located in Downtown Naperville
Individual counseling for people who are dealing with making important life decisions or feel they are not functioning at their highest potential. Therapy is a great way to address concerns and recognize roadblocks that can keep people from reaching their goals. Depression and anxiety can be two major indicators that one needs to address thought patterns and emotions to understand how that may be impacting ones life. Emergent adult counseling helps those people transitioning from school to work or assisting them in defining future goals in order to launch them on to achieve their highest potential.
Adolescent counseling helps people age 12 to 18 learn to understand their emotions and share them in healthy ways. Through the dynamics of therapy tailored toward young people, the therapist can understand how they interpret and interact with the world around them. Family counseling helps families understand the maladaptive behavior and communication patterns of how family members interact with each other. Counseling works to assist family members in a supported environment to communicate their feelings in healthy ways. Often adolescent and family counseling may go hand in hand in that when a family is functioning well, they do well also.